Friday, February 20, 2015

Female Friendship Friday: Nana and Hachi

Nana is a series about two women with the same name who meet and become friends. Nana Osaki is a punk rocker who dreams of making it big with her band, The Black Stones. Nana Komatsu (later nicknamed Hachiko) is a love-obsessed girly girl, with a kind heart. The two meet on a train on their way to Tokyo to start their new lives, little did they know that they their lives would involve each other. While on the surface, the two have very little in common; it doesn't stop them from forming a strong bond. 

 The series is probably best described as a love story between two friends. The two Nanas care for each other to such an extent that it sometime seems to be beyond just friendship. Sure both Nanas have male love interests, but for the most part, especially in the beginning, they value their relationship the best. At one point Hachiko even says that if Nana was a guy, she would fall in love with her. It's also somewhat implied that her relationship with Nana may have had some part in the deterioration of Hachiko's relationship with her boyfriend. Later on in the story Nana compares her feelings for Hachiko to that of a teenage boy in love for the first time. If they did end up together as romantic partners, it would make sense, especially since friendship is a good foundation in a relationship. So far though, it’s not clear if their friendship will ever go that direction. Either way, they both mean the world to each other.

One of the best parts of Nana is watching as their bond forms and grows over time. Hachiko is constantly amazed and in awe of Nana’s cool demeanor and toughness. Nana is amused by Hachi’s sweet nature and passionate energy. One significant moment of their alliance is when they go furniture shopping for their apartment and Hachi finds a pair of strawberry drinking glasses. Her insistence that they should only buy the pair if they both enjoy them and her happiness when Nana finally says she likes strawberries, causes Nana to compare her to a dog nicknames her Hachiko. Although this might not seem very flattering, it’s obvious that although she finds her excitable energy a lot to handle, she also finds it endearing.
*Spoiler Warning*

Being a shojo series, there is a lot of drama that surrounds the two as they navigate through their life in Tokyo. Luckily they have each other to support as they go through it. For example, when Hachiko discovers that her boyfriend is seeing another woman, Nana is the first to confront him and nearly beats the crap out of him right then and there. Even though a punch isn’t thrown, Nana is still able to help her by confronting her and holding her as she cries all night. Later on she admits that if Nana hadn’t been there for her, she probably would have drowned herself in the river. Hachiko later returns the favor by helping reunite Nana and her ex-boyfriend by dragging her to see him perform with his band in concert. When Nana sees him for the first time in a year, she is overcome with tears, and Hachi holds her hand to help her through it. After they get back together, she sincerely thanks Hachi for the creating the opportunity for this to happen. At this point it becomes more noticeable how close they have become as they are now able to talk about matters, that Nana had kept to herself before. She is now able to share her feelings and be vulnerable in front of her. Even Hachi notices this change and is touched and pleased that they have become so close.

 Towards the end of the series, life begins to get rockier for the two of them. In one case literally, as Nana’s music career starts to take off, and Hachi becomes pregnant and doesn’t know who the father is. This forces her to move out of the apartment that they share, which leaves her devastated. This his hard on the both of them and Hachi makes it clear in a letter she leaves, that Nana is her hero and she will always love her no matter what. Even though it takes a little while, Nana uses a reporter’s camera to her advantage and lets her know that she loves her too and that she will “make her dreams come true.”

These two may be the exact opposite from each other, but they prove how a strong bond can form with the right amount of love and care. They may not be perfect, but they bring the best out of each other.

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